Stage 1Etapa 1


RST etapa I

In situatii de urgenta, in Romania exista zone expuse dezastrelor naturale (inundatii, alunecari de teren, cutremure) si este absolut necesar sa existe un plan de actiune in astfel de situatii atat din punct de vedere al resurselor umane cat si din punct de vedere al echipamentelor si a timpului de raspuns. Prin prezentul proiect, sistemul integrat propus vine sa raspunda cerintelor unei astfel de situatii, pentru realizarea unei tabere de refugiati, asigurand atat echipamentele necesare cat si logistica, avand un nivel mare de flexibilitate asigurat de posibilitatea modularii in functie de specificul situatiei si o mobilitate crescuta, putand fi transportat in containere si usor de asamblat.

Solutia este modulara in sensul ca se pot integra module specializate (pentru urmatoarele domenii: asigurarea cu energie, asigurarea comunicatiilor, asigurarea monitorizarii telemedicale, securitate perimetrala, transport containerizat al componentelor intregului sistem, sisteme auxiliare: iluminat si apa) intr-o component dependent de necisitati, oricare din modulele enumerate anterior putand fi prezente sau absente din configuratie.

Solutia aleasa trebuie sa fie scalabila in sensul ca pot fi interconecatate mai multe sisteme in paralel sub un control unitar tip SCADA pentru cresterea capacitatii energetic si extinderea serviciilor auxiliare oferite (comunicatii, monitorizare medicala, securitate perimetrala, etc.)

Sistemul poate fi flexibil din punct de vedere al alimentarii cu energie, in functie de zona de amplasament a taberei putand fi utilizate, separat sau in parallel, energie eoliana, solara, biogas sau de la generatoare diesel, ceea ce constituie un avantaj in operare. In principiu, taberele de refugiati trebuie sa permita accesul la alimentarea cu energie electrica din surse cat mai diferite, pentru a putea utiliza toate posibilitatile zonei de amplasare.

In situatii de urgenta este necesara o monitorizare a parametrilor vitali ai personalului cheie al taberei si ocupantilor taberei precum si transmiterea acestor parametri catre centrul de comanda.

Pentru asigurarea informarii, atat pentru ocupantii  taberei despre situatia externa cat si pentru legatura cu comandamentul superior privitoare la actiunile ce trebuie intreprinse si la starea taberei, este nevoie de un modul de comunicatii. Din punct de vedere al echipamentelor este necesar un grad variabil de dotare atat calitativ cat si cantitattiv cu echipamente energetice pentru a se ajunge la un sistem modular si scalabil din punct de vedere energeticSTAGE 1 SUMMARY

RST Stage I

In emergency situations, there are areas exposed to natural disasters (floods, landslides, earthquakes) in Romania and it is absolutely necessary to have a plan of action in such situations, both in terms of human resources and in terms of equipment and response time. Through this project, the proposed integrated system comes to meet the requirements of such a situation, for establishing a disaster victims camp, ensuring both the necessary equipment and logistics, with a high level of flexibility provided by the possibility of modulrity depending on the specific situation and incrased mobility, being able to be transported into containers and easy to assemble.

The solution is modular in that it can integrate specialized modules (in the following areas: power supply, communications, telemedical monitoring, perimeter security, containerized transport of the entire system components, auxiliary systems: lighting and water) in a component dependent on the needs, any of the modules listed above having the possibility to be present or absent from the system configuration.

The chosen solution must be scalable in the sense that multiple systems can be interconnected in parallel under a SCADA unitary control in order to increase the energy capacity and expand the provided auxiliary services (communications, medical monitoring, perimeter security etc.).

The system can be flexible in terms of power supply, depending on the area of the camp site area and biogas, diesel generators, wind or solar energy can be used separately or in parallel, which is an advantage in operation.

In principle, disaster victims camps must allow acces to the power supply from many different sources in order to use all the possibilities of the location area.

In emergency situations it is necessary to monitor vital parameters of key personnel in the camp and the camp occupants and also the transmission of these parameters to the command center.

In order to provide information to the camp occupants about both the external situations and the link to high command regarding the actions that need to be taken and the status of the camp, a communications module is necessary. In terms of equipment a varying degree of endowment, both qualitative and cantitative, with energy equipment is required in order to achieve a modular and scalable system in terms of energy.